Paleo-Bloggers – A List

EDIT:  I’ve added some more blogs based on suggestions from the comments here and on twitter.  And I just keep adding more (Jan 23, 2013)!

Well, I’ve been thinking about doing a post like this for a while, a big list of paleobloggers. This post has been sitting in my drafts pile for a while and I wanted to get it moving forward with a bit of crowd sourcing. Besides, it’s hard to define what actually constitutes a “paleoecology” blog, given that blogs like The Rock Remains certainly deal with paleoecological concepts, are interested in the past and aren’t wholly about rocks, or this tiny slice at the surface of time, but these blogs aren’t exactly ecological. Of course it’s hard to define what’s ecological about downwithtime sometimes. (links below the fold) Continue reading Paleo-Bloggers – A List

Insights into science and the politics of research.

I’m not sure how widely read Valentí Rull’s blog Ecological Paleoecology is, he’s been writing it since 2009 when he started off with a brief discussion of the motivations and utility of biodiversity conservation approaches and has continued with discussions about his field work, the politics of science and, most recently, research funding.  The political posts have much more import given Spain’s troubling economic picture, and the choices the government has made with regards to funding cuts.

Lest this post devolve into fan-dom, I wanted to point out one post in particular, A manifesto for a timeless, universal and independent scientific force, that is largely the text from a paper in press in the open access journal Collectanea Botanica. Continue reading Insights into science and the politics of research.